Creating New Modules

Create a new module using lerna

cd ./bottlenose
yarn lerna create @bottlenose/my-new-module

Setup the directory structure

cd packages/my-new-module
mkdir -p src/operators src/internals
touch src/index.js src/index.test.js src/operators/index.js src/operators/index.test.js

Bottlenose modules conform to the following convention for their organization:

--creators/       # functions which produce an RxJS Observable (rather than an operator)
----index.js      # exports all public creators
--internals/      # optional: internal functions and business logic
--operators/      # RxJS operators
----index.js      # exports all public operators
--scripts/        # any scripts intended to be run from the command line
--index.js        # exports all public functions

The code and tests for index.js and operators/index.js can be copied from the other bottlenose modules. Please remain consistent with other modules. (If you have a better idea for how to structure it, then talk to the other maintainers about it and we can make a decision as a team to migrate all of the modules in a consistent way.)

Build cool stuff!

  • To create new operators, see the "Creating New Operators" guide in the documentation.

  • For information about contributing and workflow, see the "Contributing" guide.

Last updated